Monday, 30 June 2008

What's this all about?

For many people there is still a lot of doubt and debate concerning climate change, let alone the concept of what is called "peak oil".

While the former has been covered a lot in the papers, the latter has not got as much attention. Suffice to say that it is now expected that oil prices will not significantly move downward EVER, regardless of any short or long term actions taken by Kevin Rudd or any other politician.

Peak oil theory basically states that we are running out of easily extractable oil. For anyone who wants it, you can download a free document that explains this in more detail from my website here.

No cost, no strings attached. Have a read if you're interested.

Right now I want to avoid the debate about whether climate change is real or not, other than to say that every current serving leader of every major country around the world, and the leaders of the various opposition parties, as well as the CEOs of 100 of the largest companies have all completely accepted the reality of climate change. More details on that can be supplied if anyone is interested.

Finally, and for the record; I have no hidden agenda with any of this. I have nothing to sell, no political axe to grind, and no financial interest beyond the fact that I like everyone else would like a viable and enjoyable local community to be a part of.

All the best....Simon Perry

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